How to open Cdr file online?

Cdr file viewer online is a free online viewer that can open and preview files with Cdr file extension just by uploading your Cdr file. Click on "+ Select File ..." button and choose file from your computer with allowed extensions. You can track upload status in the progress bar that will be showed after selecting Cdr file.

After uploading and processing are finished, image will be showed in the viewer below. Cdr online viewer has some options as zoom, fit, pan and rotate which will allow you to manipulate and "play" with opened image.

+ Select file...

Except Cdr file extension, our free online viewer is supporting following file extension: .psd, .dds, .plt, .hpgl, .hgl, .pcx, .tga, .eps, .cr2, .nef, .crw, .raf, .ps and .cdr.

Upload file size is limited up to 20 MB.

After uploading and processing is finished, you are able to download your opened Cdr file to different image formats as .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif or .tiff just by clicking on appropriate buttons that are showed below online Cdr viewer. If you have any difficulties using our free Cdr online viewer, please send your feedback to

Beside Cdr viewer online, which only allows you to open and view Cdr files, on our website you can find and download Cdr Viewer for Windows. You can install Cdr Viewer to your computer and open, view, resize and convert Cdr files free.

Similar features as Cdr Viewer, you can also find in our Online Cdr to Jpg converter where you can easily upload, resize, convert and save opened Cdr file to another more popular image file extension.

Privacy notice: Your files are not copied on server, they are available just for you and while you session is active. After you leave the page the file is no more available, so if you need to convert same file again you will need to start the conversion process again.

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